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Best friends Ashley and Juliet, who've been made redundant from their marketing jobs during Covid, at last get to go to Venice. The long days of lockdown were made a little easier by looking at webcams of the deserted city. One day, Ash spied a man walking his dog in Campo Santa Maria Formosa. What would happen if she were to meet him for real?


Though Jules hits it off with a handsome waiter, and both girls take the opportunity to think through big career changes, things otherwise don’t go quite according to plan. And why is it that boring Joe from Accounts keeps turning up where he’s not supposed to be? Only, whoever falls in love with Venice won’t stay boring for long, and Joe unwittingly finds himself at the centre of a trade in faked artworks.


Coincidentally in Venice is a joyous celebration of love, friendship, vintage clothes to die for, Prosecco and spaghetti alle vongole. Oh, and not to mention a stolen gondola, a dog called Killer, ten thousand fictitious virgins and an old Grateful Dead t-shirt.

Coincidentally in Venice

SKU: 9781861519719
Expected delivery around August 30th 2024. In case of pre-order problems email
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